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150th FlaxFlower book review posted – Irish Charm

The Girl from County Clare  by Vicky Adin                         Thank you Flaxroots for such a wonderful review and for giving me the 150th posting. I am honoured.
As I turned the pages I was taunted by the possibility that the seeds of integrity planted by an eighteen year old girl from County Clare could germinate and grow strongly enough to outmanoeuvre these threats so far from her native home. Vicky Adin leaves us in no doubt about the answer to that question. And at the same time provides an insight into what hope and determination can do when mixed with a bit of Irish charm.      I found this a delightful novel that was hard to put down. It has been well researched and reflects considerable understanding of the attitudes of the era. After reading the book I felt I knew and sympathised with the characters. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in people.  Review by Peter Thomas

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