I just had to share with you the week I had in Taranaki at the Garden and Fringe Festivals. I had a great time (dodging the rain) going to public and private gardens, visiting Lake Rotokare wildlife sanctuary and Tawhiti an amazing local museum, researching some genealogy and …
Oh, yes, the print books have arrived – you can get your copy of Portrait of a Man direct from me now. Email: vicky@vickyadin.co.nz
Or you can come and see me at Books in your Backyard this Sunday 15th November at St Columba Centre 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. I’ll be there 9am – 3pm.

Hope you like the photos.
Taranaki Maunga, a private garden, Te Rewa Rewa Bridge, three private gardens, Lake Rotokare.

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