Latest News Lifestyle Vicky's Musings

The life of women, and other stories

Welcome to the first blog of 2023

To say the year has not started off well for many living in New Zealand is an understatement.

While Te Waipounamu the South Island bathed in summer sunshine, Mother Nature showed her unhappy face throughout Te Ika-a-Māui, the North Island, throwing wind and rain, and earthquakes and cyclones, in every direction.

It has been distressing to watch the devastation. We have been fortunate, my wider family and I, we have not been affected, but I cannot begin to conceive how those who lost family as well homes and livelihoods will pick up the pieces of their lives or start the clean-up. My heart goes out to them. I wish I could solve all their problems with a magic wand. But life isn’t like that.

This year, I intend to write about the women of the past in my blog, sharing stories of their life, their place in history and what they suffered. And I will. But not this week.

This week is for us to remember those struggling through the clean-up and offer our support in any way we can, and to reflect on how fortunate we are, those of us who were not caught in the cyclonic destruction as it moved across the country.

As I watch the rescue efforts, the bravery of many and the fortitude of others, I am in awe of how resilient we are, how we come together as a people, as a nation, and how we treat each other. Long may it last.

Community is about caring. Resilience is about togetherness. Together we can do anything.

Kia Kaha. May tomorrow bring better news.

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