Earlier blogs talked about the historical characters of Sarah and Martha and the tragedy of them losing so many children, and the difficulties women faced when they lost their husbands. But then women – and children – were considered,…
Happy St Patrick’s day to you all… and especially to those with Irish heritage. It’s such a fascinating history. Did you know…? Along with Patrick and Columcille, Brigid is one of three patron saints of Ireland. More recently St Brigid…
Tuesday 7 March, is census day. For me, and every other genealogist a census a crucial link to the past and the way we trace our histories and discover those who are a part of us. As a case…
Three girls on a special journey – the deals continue
After the fabulous blog tour this week for Gwenna the Welsh Confectioner, her two companion books Brigid The Girl from County Clare and The Costumier’s Gift are also going on Kindle Countdown Deals. You can read Gwenna or Brigid’…
Apart from having an addiction to travelling, I long ago discovered genealogy was in my bones, or should that be blood? Whichever way you describe it, I can spend hours online looking for the who’s who of family, and…
Followers of this blog will already know that my other half and I do a lot of travelling. We hitch up our caravan and take the slow and easy-path for weeks on end to discover this beautiful country. During…
I became a genealogist long before I started writing novels, and love delving into the past. I’ve recently had the privilege of helping someone write up their family tree. It’s been a fascinating experience, following the good times: the…
I have been remiss lately – and I apologise to any of my readers who have been waiting for my next blog – but I’ve been in rather a whirl. One of the more delightful whirls has been discovering this…