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In this crazy mixed up world

Have you missed me? It’s been a while since I last posted a blog but life has a habit of getting in the way, and ‘the best laid plans of mice & men often go awry’ (with apologies to Robbie Burns).

And now it seems, the world has ‘gang awry’ and been turned upside down with the coronavirus pandemic. It is spreading so rapidly and there is so much misinformation and hysteria about it, at times the stories are confusing. But the one clear message to stop the spread is stay home – and wash your hands often – and do not put others at risk.

From it all, comes humour. As we talk about avoiding contact and not touching anyone, historical fiction authors have been suggesting we return to the days of the curtsy and the bow. Very civilised and all about keeping one’s distance. The crinoline could make a comeback as a ‘social distancer’ with elegance. Or we could use sign language, blow a kiss, nod or wave.

Have no doubt, there will be stories written about the sadness and horrors of this pandemic, just as there have been about others in the past. The Black Death in the 14th century probably transmitted by rodents, and the Spanish Flu in 1918 that killed up to 50million people are the two most obvious pandemics authors have written about over and over again. At the time, few people avoided some form of contact with it. Today, we have greater awareness, and in a much faster time frame, so we can take measures to avoid, alleviate and eliminate it sooner. Let’s hope it flies on by as fast it flew in.

Fortunately, as an introvert and a writer, staying home is easy decision for me. I am already in the ‘old age’ risk factor bracket, but I can assure my children and grandchildren that we are safe, happy and well – and have food to spare.

What it does mean for me, is that I have no excuses not to write. And I am, and in the days ahead I hope to do a lot more. I look forward to watching the word count rise on my current WIP, my seventh novel, the sequel to The Cornish Knot.

With the internet at my fingertips I can research, communicate and tell a story all at the same time. Life isn’t so bad after all. I also have essential stocks of wine and cheese, a pile of books to take me to other places and other experiences, and the freedom of my deck and garden to give me solace and inspiration. What more could I want?

Take care, keep safe, drink wine, read books and all will be well in the world again soon.

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