How can one resist thinking about what the next few weeks and months will bring, as we enjoy the start of summer blossoming with blue skies, warm temperatures, and the beautiful pohutukawa? For me, 2020 is going to be an exciting, demanding and interesting year.
To start with, I received the best Christmas present when I was informed The Costumier’s Gift had been awarded an IndieBRAG medallion. This book is AWESOME! said one of the reviewers. I can’t explain how happy it made me to know that Janey and Katie’s stories joined those of Brigid and Gwenna’s in receiving this award. It is indeed an honour to know that the readers enjoy the stories so much. Next up, I have a presentation to give at the local library about how history, genealogy and story telling can be turned into the historical fiction novels I so enjoy writing. Book #7 is on its way. Just as The Costumier’s Gift was the dual-timeline sequel to Brigid The Girl from County Clare and Gwenna The Welsh Confectioner, tying the two stories together and moving them into the present, so too will my current work in progress. This new story will be told in three parts and is a follow up to The Cornish Knot, which has always been one of my best-selling books and a favourite among my readers. In amongst all this author business, we also have some personal successes to celebrate: our new home, which has been worth the wait – we love it; two zero birthdays, and a major milestone in our married life. I suppose we’d better have a party. I’ll let you know when you can help me celebrate. I haven’t written anything in weeks, as we’ve transitioned into our new home, but I’m starting to miss the writing, which is a good sign. So, back to the drawing board, or in my case the laptop and head down, let the words flow. Exciting times lay hidden in the words yet to be written.
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