For an author, there is nothing quite so uplifting as to see the little orange Bestseller flag beside their name, even in a niche category. Have you heard of BookBub? It’s a website where books of every type and genre…
Recently, a conversation with other historical fiction writers convinced me that time travel is possible – at least, in your head. We talked about how, especially in the early morning half way between sleep and waking, we can find…
If you asked people who know me well what I enjoy the most, they would tell you books and writing, travel and history, antiques and genealogy, and not necessarily in that order. I can’t imagine a day when…
STOP PRESS NOTICE For those of my readers who might have missed by Facebook and Twitter posts, don’t miss out on a chance to WIN a copy of Gwenna The Welsh Confectioner by checking in with this fantastic blog tour…
I’ve just returned from a week-long trip to Whanganui Vintage Weekend – an annual event held on Wellington Anniversary weekend, and what a weekend it was. We are fond of old things, as you can see. I write about…
For the last few weeks, I’ve been pre-occupied preparing for this year’s NZ Book Festival, (it’s tomorrow 17th BTW at Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, Auckland from 10am – lots of free goodies going) and now I’m behind in…
When you’ve been travelling, the one question everyone asks first is: What was your favourite place? As if I could answer that in one sentence. Over a period of 115 days we travelled across more than 10 oceans and…
I’ve had time to reflect in the last few days as our leg across the Indian Ocean, through the Persian Gulf and up the Red Sea comes to an end. We have left the intense heat and our experiences…
For those of you just catching up with my travels for 2018, we have left our Southern Hemisphere winter behind and are currently cruising in the middle of the Indian Ocean. If you’ve been following me on social media,…
Nothing has changed and yet everything has changed. I’m so excited to reveal the new 2018 cover designs for my books. It’s taken some time and much to-ing and fro-ing between my editor, my cover-designer and myself to get…