Gwenna The Welsh Confectioner has a special place in my heart for two reasons. The first, because I am Welsh born and grew up with stories about my great-great-grandmother the sugar boiler, and secondly because the story is dedicated to my best friend who… like Gwenna, battled the odds and never gave up…. but
passed away of leukaemia that year.
Written the year before Gwenna’s story was released came the story of Brigid The Girl from County Clare. Another story inspired by a great-great-grandmother, but from a different tree, and her journey from a tiny village in Ireland across the oceans first to Australia and then to New Zealand.
Both stories are stand alone and Gwenna and Brigid do not meet until much later, when Jane, the costumier at Auckland’s Opera House, introduces them in The Costumier’s Gift. Brigid is Jane’s beloved foster mother and Gwenna her best friend; together the three women are formidable.
It’s my great pleasure to announce that Gwenna is going on tour and where she goes so do the others.
You can follow the schedule below through a week of adventures. I wonder what will happen…
Did I say Gwenna is on a Kindle Countdown deal starting at 99c and rising each day to return to full price by the end of the weekend.

June 20th
The Historical Fiction Company
The Book Bandit’s Library
June 21st
June 22nd
June 23rd
June 24th
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