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To social media or not: what would you do?

Do you use social media? How often and for what purpose? I’d love to know. I’m a Facebook user but after I was hacked last year, I’ve lost confidence and haven’t used it as much. Now I’m questioning what difference it makes if I use it or not. What would you do in my shoes?

While my Facebook account was restored, my Instagram account remains blocked – not that I was in any way spontaneous enough to use it at its best – and I’ve found Twitter (now X) too toxic for my taste (especially now). So how do you – the readers – get to hear about indie authors like me? How do you discover new-to-you books?

If you’re not sure, there are several ways: Indie Books releases a regular catalogue that goes to libraries, bookshops and schools amongst other outlets. Readers can also buy direct from Writers Plot Bookshop, an online independent bookstore, and Flaxroots provides reviews on selected New Zealand books to help you decide. Beyond that, you can find other links and some recommended authors on my website. You can also find me on Pinterest and LinkedIn. And of course, you can always request books from your local library. But is that the information you want?

If you are wanting to know more about me, as a person, you could subscribe to my monthly newsletter where I share news and views, snippets of my travels in our caravan and overseas (when we can), and let you into my tricks and tips in the garden or the kitchen. Or you could just ask me a question. I’m always happy to answer reader’s questions and discuss aspects of my characters, storylines, historical research and writing process.
So what would you do? Should I continue with my social media presence or doesn’t it matter to you?

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