Lucy, the suffragist is going on a virtual visit to all these wonderful blog sites to tell her fascinating story … so … to celebrate … Book 1, The Art of Secrets is on sale for only 99c(US) ……
Inspiring and motivational – more projects to come
There is nothing quite like an audience to lift the spirits and provide motivation for the next work in progress (WIP). It was an honour recently to speak to a large crowd at the Palmerston North library about my…
Join the crowd and meet me for morning tea
Thursday 10th November Palmerston North City Library at 10.30am I will be speaking about my writer’s journey, and my latest book Elinor at the Palmerston North library next week. You can read my interview with them about it on…
Guaranteed New Zealand books, more books and meeting the author
I’m off on a road trip – my destination is Everything Books Tauranga where you – the reader – gets a chance to talk to authors, have your books of choice signed, learning something new about the writing process…
July has been an amazing month with several book talks, a radio interview and an addition to our orchid family. I was delighted when the local MoreFM station made contact and invited me to chat with Brent about walking…
Three girls on a special journey – Kindle countdown deal
Gwenna The Welsh Confectioner has a special place in my heart for two reasons. The first, because I am Welsh born and grew up with stories about my great-great-grandmother the sugar boiler, and secondly because the story is dedicated…
NEW Meet the Author Book Launch events just for you
I’m delighted to announce that I’ve been invited to present at several Meet the Author Book launch events in the upcoming weeks. You are welcome to come along and say hello and ask questions. Thursday 7 July at Whangamata…
A blind date – with a book, and a little something about me.
I’m always grateful for the opportunity to discuss my work, and hopefully give readers a little insight into the way the what and why of every story. My thanks to “A Novel Idea,” for hosting my latest interview on…
I am delighted to share Friday Night Drinks with author… Vicky Adin.
Friday Night drinks with Julie Morris of A Little Book Problem was an absolute delight. Wine, books and a lot of conversation – I’m happy to share the occasion with you. First things first, what are you drinking? I’ll…
Autumn is treating us to some lovely sunny weather, but the nights are closing in earlier and earlier and it won’t be long before we’ll need a rug to cuddle up with. Books are the best antidote for winter…